Follow Up Greece
"Voice of ARt and COmmUnity. (VARCOU)"

Agreement No: 2023-1-CY02-KA153-YOU-000118540

Follow Up – Greece
Greek team made two follow up activities for the program VARCOU
Video Link:
1st follow-up Activity
First, follow-up activity done in Athens on 08th of December 2023 in Athens and participants of the program presented the activities and the results that we have done during our PDA.
In the follow-up activity, there were approximately 20 young people, students, teachers, and youth workers from Greece and Serbia.
2nd Follow-Up Activity
Second, follow-up activity done in Athens on December 14, 2023, in Glyfada, Athens. InPlanet's staff and participants of the program presented the activities and the results that we have done during our PDA.
In the follow-up activity, there were approximately 30 young people, students, teachers, and youth workers from Greece and Serbia.
Except the previous activities,
that INPLANET implemented, we published in INPLANET's website, Facebook, YouTube
channel and Instagram, video, photos and
information about the program.
What INPLANET's participants in the program wrote:
Panagiotis Koutsogiannis: The training course VARCOU was an once-in-a-lifetime experience. I have never imagined how much a project can change you and help you with your personal development. The warm-up activities were the perfect opportunity for socialization. Most of us made lifelong relationships and we still keep contacts with each other! As for the topic of the course, we gained so many information that changed our way of thinking. It was also very useful for me and I am grateful for being included in this project and I definitely recommend you all to take part in an Erasmus project.
Florentina Fifiala: VARCOU was an amazing and unforgettable experience with memories that will last for a lifetime. The main topic of the project was really interesting and the trainers were excellent. Also I developed my skills through outstanding activities and understood the importance of teamwork. Thank you Erasmus+
Theofanis Gavalas: VARCOU was a wonderful experience, and it really helped me broaden my horizons. The interactive activities during the training were very interesting and informative on situations of bullying and arts like Forum Theater, and assisted me in developing or improving my skills and competences. I would definitely recommend Erasmus+ projects to people who are interested in learning new things and developing themselves!
Christina Vlachogianni: The training course VARCOU was a very good experience and challenge for me. The experience and the knowledge gained in this project will be useful for my future everyday life. I learned more about the topic, I developed my skills, and I enjoyed listening to other participants and sharing my experience with them. I met people from different countries enriched me culturally, and I made new friendships.
Other activities:
INPLANET sent e-mails describing the
programme to the Cultural Associations of our area Agia Varvara: Association of
Cretans, Association of Pontian and Association of Epirus.